
Welcome to a bleak and desolate future, where Earth teeters on the brink of collapse. Humanity, desperate for renewable energy sources, has made a remarkable discovery: the bioluminescent cephalopod produce a black ink that can be converted into an endless source of fuel. However, greed and boundless destruction have quickly taken over humanity.

In this apocalyptic scenario, players take on the role of a young octopus, one of the last hopes of its kind. Octopuses are hunted ruthlessly, captured in massive spacecraft, and exploited for their valuable ink. Now, it's your chance to lead this small marine hero in an exciting fight for survival while he tries to increase his kind.

Glide through the depths of outer space, evading human threats while tirelessly seeking freedom!


  • Click/Touch: Movement


octohunters.exe 84 MB
octohunters.x86_64 86 MB
octohunters.dmg 69 MB
octohunters.apk 34 MB

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